There are technically no limitations to how much you can borrow with a mortgage.
Eligibility and limitations are determined by the income, financial status and credit
history of the borrower. The stronger your financial position at the time of
application, the more likely you are to qualify for a larger mortgage. Your financial
position will also influence the rate of interest you’re quoted and all other
borrowing costs >>> Continue Reading >>>>
If you’ve been considering taking out life cover, you probably have several
important questions and concerns to address. Particularly if the policy you’re
interested in attaches a heavy premium, it’s important to know what you’re getting
out of the deal.
Independent financial advice comes highly recommended for anyone looking to
secure their financial future.
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It's estimated that the average deposit payment required for buying a UK home is
now between £40,000 and £50,000. What are the pros and cons of renting Vs agreeing on a mortgage product?
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Contrary to popular belief, the UK’s formal exit from the EU as of the 31st of
January didn't actually change a great deal. In fact, there remains just as much
uncertainty today as there was several months (or even years) ago.
We know that the UK is definitely leaving – what we don’t know is how the
country’s EU departure will affect us.
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Increasingly, safe havens for savings and investments are becoming somewhat thin on the ground.
Times were turbulent before the whole COVID saga kicked off....
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